Construction CPD Writing & Production Services

Modernise your CPD


100x your reach with memorable learning experiences
that drive specification and sales.


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Join These Modern
CPD Providers

Too busy to update your CPD?


It takes time to create a CPD that is well-designed, technical, insightful and up to the standards of accrediting bodies like RIBA.

Because it's quite a complex process, CPD presentations often end up as the last priority on your to-do list.



create a presentation your team is proud of

CPD is the best tool you have for connecting with specifiers. We can help you with:

  • Writing compelling content
  • Designing professional slides 
  • Gaining RIBA accreditation
  • and even taking your CPD online



The modern way to engage specifiers

You can 100x your reach and make each interaction with specifiers more memorable with professional, modern CPD.

👉 Get in front of specifiers
👉 Reach online audiences
👉 Drive specifications & sales


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The Process

Creating CPD's is complex and technical, but a streamlined process makes it easier.


Step 1 

Research & Outline

We use your teams expertise and our own research to create a compelling outline.


Step 2

Layout & Design

After signoff on step 1, we design the template and start adding content.


Step 3


After revisions, the final version is delivered. You now have a full-length, professionally designed CPD!

Want to take it further?

A presentation is great, but there is so much more you can do.

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Step 4

RIBA Approval

RIBA architects are required to take 35 hours of CPD per year. By certifying yours, you give them one more reason to sign up.


Step 5

Create Video Version

91% of CPD attendees now choose an online format over in-person presentations and 81% of attendees expect material to be available online as videos. Lean into digital.

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Step 6

Create an Online Academy

By creating a library of valuable CPD videos you position yourself as the go-to expert in your category. 


Construction CPD Cover Art
Construction CPD Cover Art
Construction CPD Cover Art
Construction CPD Cover Art
Construction CPD for Specwall - Cover Art
Paul Iddon Quote about Construction CPD

"Research shows that CPD is favoured
by architects and therefore must
be the primary tool in selling to them"

Paul Iddon, Vice President, Manchester Society of Architects

Services & Pricing


CPD Presentation


Starting Price

Be confident presenting to a room full of construction professionals. Flawless templates, compelling insights. This presentation will help your specification sales team hit their targets.


  • Research
  • Content Consulting
  • Slide Deck Production
  • Transitions
  • Text & Object Animation
  • Speakers Notes


  • RIBA Certification
  • Slide Template Design
  • Polls & Quizzes
  • Custom Icons
  • Infographics

Video Presentation


Starting Price

91% of CPD attendees want to view CPD online. Convert your presentation to video and host it online. Now your CPD is working around the clock to increase specifications.  



  • Scripting
  • Voice Over Recording
  • Video Creation
  • Exam Questions


  • Presenter In Picture
  • Video Intros & Outros
  • Animations
  • Subtitles
  • Submission to 3rd Party CPD Providers
  • Integration with your website & CRM system.
  • Subtitles
  • Downloadable Transcript

A complete CPD presentation with speakers notes is required.


CPD Academy


Starting Price

The market leader is the market educator. Build a virtual academy on a user-friendly learning management system. Engage your audience, get leads, and gather user insights.



  • LMS Selection
  • Curriculum Design Consultation
  • LMS Support
  • LMS Reskin
  • Module Creation
  • Video Upload
  • LMS Setup


  • Branding
  • Knowledge Base Creation
  • Community Hub
  • CRM Integration


"It went straight through RIBA approval, it's one thing off my to do list, and it's a really great quality."

Louise Mason, Marketing Director


Let's Talk

Tell us a little bit about yourself and we'll be in touch within 24 hours. 




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Want to speak to an expert about CPD Production?

Book time to find out if our approach is right for you.