The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Performance Websites: The Right Website Analytics

Written by Leigh Simpson | 29-Nov-2023 14:40:00

When building your performance website, consider the analytics you need to track and analyse once the site is live. This will help ensure that the website is developed to allow for accurate tracking and analysis of key metrics.


This underpins the Growth Driven Design approach we covered in a recent blog post and should be an integral part of your website optimisation and improvement activity.

Here's an overview of how you can do this. 

First, let's cover the basics.

1. Conversion Tracking

Measure the effectiveness of your website in converting visitors into leads or customers. This includes form submissions, phone calls, or purchases. Ensure that conversion tracking is set up correctly and all relevant conversion points are tracked.


2. Website tracking

Understand how many people visit your website and how they get there. Ensure that website analytics software is installed correctly and tracking accurately.



3. User Behaviour

Metrics, such as bounce rate, time on site, and pages per session, provide valuable insights into how visitors are interacting with the website. Design your website to encourage visitors to engage with the site and explore multiple pages.


4. Attribution Data

By integrating with a CRM system like HubSpot you can see with total precision what is pulling traffic to your website and what pages are working best for conversion and ultimately sales. By logging all of your enquiries, quotes and orders on your CRM, you can attribute sales by all channels and get An accurate picture of your ROI.


5. Building your Reports

Setting up a report in your CRM involves a structured process. First, define your report's objectives, specifying the metrics or insights you seek. Collect data from various sources, ensuring accuracy. Select a report type and create templates, leveraging your CRM's customisation options. Analyse and visualise data with charts and graphs for clarity. Integrate data from different sources if needed. Populate the report template with organised data, reviewing and proofreading meticulously for accuracy. Customise the report to meet the audience's specific needs and consider automation for recurrent reports. Finally, distribute the report and schedule follow-up discussions, ensuring that data informs decision-making. Regular review keeps your reporting process effective and evolving.

In essence, setting up a CRM report involves a structured approach, beginning with clear objectives and data collection. Utilise CRM templates to create, analyse, and visualise data, ensuring accuracy and customisation for the audience. Automation can streamline recurring reports, and thorough distribution and follow-up are key. Regularly review and refine the reporting process for ongoing improvement.




As you embark on the journey of building a website, it's vital to think beyond its visual design and functionality. The analytics you need to track and analyse post-launch are the bedrock of effective web management. These metrics are the compass guiding you towards a website that not only looks good but also performs exceptionally.

This philosophy aligns seamlessly with the Growth-Driven Design methodology we explored earlier, making data-driven decisions the cornerstone of your website optimisation and improvement efforts. Whether it's measuring conversions, understanding website traffic, analysing user behavior, or gaining precise attribution data, your CRM can be a powerful ally in this process.

To dive deeper into this strategy and discover how it can transform your website into a true asset for your business book a free consultation.



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