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5 min read

New Year, New CRM: Your Guide To Choosing The Right CRM

By Jake Derry on 09-Feb-2022 09:00:00

By the end of 2022, CRM technology is projected to be the single largest area of revenue within enterprise software.

A bold statement to kick things off with, I know. But the CRM trends in the last few years make things very clear: CRM systems are becoming a fundamental part of any business. Within just a couple of years, we have seen huge advancements in the sophistication level of CRMs.

Topics: MarTech Trends
7 min read

#INBOUND2021: What Is Cyclical Lead Nurturing?

By Ainhoa Rodriguez-Muguruza on 12-Oct-2021 20:26:57

Live From #INBOUND2021

If you are an automation fan, Mike K. Tatum’s talk was probably one of the sessions that you were looking forward to in INBOUND2021.

Mike K. Tatum is Demand Generation Manager at Momentive, the former Survey Monkey, and, in his talk “Keep Inbound Leads Engaged With a Continuous Cycle of Lead Nurturing Workflows”, he went over his sophisticated ecosystem of lead nurturing automation. He came up with a bulletproof lead nurturing system that he developed after using HubSpot’s Marketing Hub for over 5 years.

Topics: Events HubSpot MarTech
6 min read

4 Ways To Increase Effectivity Of Email Marketing For Building Products

By Josh Simpson on 28-May-2021 10:45:32

Email marketing is a standard within the marketing section of any business, with 87% of marketers utilising the capability of email marketing to generate leads.  

Although it may seem like a complex maze of trial and error (although partly true) this isn’t always the case when it comes to email marketing.  

The only time trial and error comes into it is when you have no guidance for email marketing, apart from that, the only real experimentation that comes into it is when running AB tests on your emails before you find the winning solution.  


To find out the 4 tips for increased success in your email marketing, read on...

Topics: Content Marketing HubSpot MarTech Inbound Marketing
4 min read

Top 3 FREE Tools For Graphic Design For Your Building Products Brand

By Josh Simpson on 09-Apr-2021 09:35:43

Having interesting and captivating graphics in your social media posts can help to engage your audience and elevate the content that you post online.

Topics: HubSpot MarTech
4 min read

Have You Got The Right Tools For Successful Lead Generation?

By Henry Jones on 25-Mar-2021 11:00:00

For building products businesses, the construction industry, or any company looking to grow; creating and implementing a winning lead generation strategy can be the determiner between failure or success.

The process can be complicated and things can often be overlooked, which is why a comprehensive model such as the 7 Pillars of Lead Generation can help you to build a lead generation strategy that will sustain your business into the future.

Pillar 4 covers the systems that can be used to collect and collate data or enable sales teams to contact leads. And it looks at how your team can learn and develop the skills to use these systems and get your products specified.

Topics: Content Marketing Lead Generation MarTech
9 min read

The One Key Thing That Sales and Marketing Alignment Relies On

By Freya Oxton-Grant on 11-Mar-2021 17:04:10

If your building product business is struggling with: 

  • Not meeting your sales KPIs 
  • Suffering from low conversion rates 
  • Or not having a sales forecast that you can rely on 

Then your business is probably struggling from poor sales and marketing alignment. 

Topics: Content Marketing MarTech
5 min read

Marketing Metrics: A Simple Guide To Brand Awareness

By Rich Newsome on 07-Jun-2019 08:42:06

Do you want your building products brand to stand out online? Do you want your company to be a household name? Read on to find out what brand awareness is and how important it is to develop effective brand awareness for your building products and materials.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO MarTech
7 min read

9 Tools to Help Your Sales Team Succeed

By Luke Monterosso on 17-May-2019 10:37:46

According to research by HubSpot the top sales priorities in businesses are closing more deals, improving sales funnel efficiency and improving sales technology. In a study by LinkedIn, 82% of top sales people cite tools ‘critical’ to their ability to close deals.

With so many tools on offer, it can be difficult to decide on what is best for you and your team. We thought we’d tackle those top priorities by listing some of our favourite tools.

Include are tools for prospecting, sales intelligence, lead capture, video and more. Each are listed with a free trial so you can decide what works best for you. 

Topics: Sales MarTech
5 min read

Attributing Construction Marketing to Leads and Sales

By Luke Monterosso on 26-Apr-2019 11:56:43


We want to help you get the data & facts to showcase the ROI of your construction marketing efforts. In this blog we talk about the problems marketers face and how they can be solved.

Next time it comes to asking for headcount or budget you’ll have the data and facts to showcase marketing as a direct driver to revenue.

Building product companies are putting a lot of time and effort into their marketing strategies to support brand awareness, customer satisfaction and their sales team.

How can you be sure your campaign collateral, social media posts and blogs are making an impact with specifiers, architects and contractors and growing your business?

Topics: Content Marketing MarTech
6 min read

Beyond Digital: Growing Your Building Products Brand

By Olivia Atkinson on 29-Mar-2019 15:32:47

Yesterday, Insynth presented on how digital marketing is changing the way that specifiers and buyer engage with building product brands, and how you should adapt your marketing plans to keep up to date with these changes.

Old fashioned traditional ways of reaching your audience such as cold calling, trade shows and brought contact lists are all suffering.

This blog summaries the struggles and challenges that building products companies face and how you can approach them. We’ve also included our presentation from the day for you to view.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO MarTech Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Content Marketing Tips For Building Materials – Part 2

By Olivia Atkinson on 27-Feb-2019 16:28:03

Part one discovered the importance of strong storytelling, communication and how a good online presence is imperative for the building materials sector.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO MarTech Inbound Marketing
7 min read

Construction Marketing Strategy: SEO Trends 2019-Part 1

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 01-Feb-2019 11:46:18

The new year is now well underway. For many SEO professionals in the construction marketing industry this is the time to start looking forward to the upcoming trends for 2019 and leverage the latest techniques to dominate in the SERPs.

It’s a well-known fact that search engines are getting more intelligent every day. If you want your building products company to achieve top rankings in 2019, you need to be ready for the latest SEO trends and developments that are coming up.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Sales MarTech Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Construction Marketing Tips: Trends From Across The Pond

By Olivia Atkinson on 22-Jan-2019 17:44:44

As America is bigger, it’s only natural that they are the first to start some trends and take on new technology. An advantage to us is they can test out these trends to find out which ones work better than others.

We can then implement the successful trends into our marketing strategy. It’s equally important to be aware of what may be about to take off and get ahead of your competitors.

Topics: Content Marketing MarTech Inbound Marketing
3 min read

5 Goals To Share With Your Sales Team For 2019

By Luke Monterosso on 18-Jan-2019 10:09:13

Whether you’re a manager handling an exceptional sales team, an executive looking after a whole sales organisation or a sales rep looking to hit your numbers, 2019 is a fresh start. However, it may not be wise to leave 2018 completely behind you.

Topics: Sales MarTech
7 min read

"Alexa, Can You Build Me A New House?" Alexa In The Construction Sector

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 18-Dec-2018 13:05:59

It’s late, you’ve run out of teabags and the in-laws are coming in the morning. The shops are shut for the night and you have a million things to do tomorrow before the family arrive.

No problem! Just shout “Alexa, order me a packet of tea bags” safe in the knowledge that by the time you mother in law pulls up outside your tea caddy will be freshly filled and you won’t have had to brave the supermarket to achieve that.

Now imagine you want to move to a new house and you can’t find quite what you’re looking for on the market. Why can’t you just ask Alexa to build you a house?

Well, with Amazon Fund making a move on the construction industry you may soon be able to do just that. Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing MarTech
4 min read

What Google Looks For When Ranking Your Website

By Charlotte McCormac on 01-Nov-2018 09:41:00


The websites ranked at the top of Google listings are the sites that Google deems most relevant and trustworthy for search enquiries.

If your website ranks below the first few results, visitors are unlikely to click through to your page – and if you’re not on the first page of results, you can pretty much guarantee that no-one will scroll far enough to find you.

Topics: SEO MarTech Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Microsoft Future Decoded Conference: Keynote Speaker Cindy Rose

By Leigh Simpson on 31-Oct-2018 11:48:18

Kicking off this year's Microsoft Future Decoded event in London is Cindy Rose.

Cindy is the CEO of Microsoft UK. The event takes place at the ExCel Exhibition Centre at the Victoria Docks in London. The two day event covers a range of technological topics from A.I. to using the cloud and building trust around it. 

Read on to find out what Cindy's keynote speech was all about...

Topics: Content Marketing MarTech
4 min read

Live @ #Inbound18 - HubSpot Product Announcements

By Leigh Simpson on 06-Sep-2018 13:11:10

The pace of innovation and new features in the HubSpot ecosystem is mind blowing.  Since Inbound 17 there have been more changes than I can keep track of and every week there is a new feature to impress.

Learn about the big changes to the suite that were announced at the Inbound 2018 conference, and how these could help you supercharge your business growth.

Topics: Content Marketing Events MarTech Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Secrets To Search Dominance Revealed

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 05-Sep-2018 21:49:51

Hosted by Maryna Hradovich of SEMrush, Secrets To Search Dominance is an Inbound 2018 session about teaching marketers to ensure that their content is always optimised for SEO and positioned to dominate search results across the internet.

With Maryna’s techniques being applied, marketers learnt how to make sure that they can stay one step ahead of the competition.

Topics: SEO Events MarTech