The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Live @ #INBOUND18: Moz + Hubspot = SEO Mastery

Written by Abby Buchan-Howard | 07-Sep-2018 17:28:07

Hosted by Sarah Bird, SEO Mastery focused on how to use Moz to master the fast-paced world of SEO and keep up to date with Google’s working along the way.

The session also focused on finding out how your company compares to the competition in search results and the best topics to get that coveted “position zero”.

Sarah Bird 

Sarah Bird is the CEO of Moz, a leader in the world of keywords and SEO. Sarah often speaks about women in tech, business models and search marketing alongside her work at Moz.

Where Do We Search

Sarah kicked off her presentation at Inbound 2018 by revealing that the latest research from Moz founds that 90% of all internet searches are happening on a Google product. This is web search, images, maps and every other kind of web search that can be carried out on the internet. 

This isn't just new data; this is a factor that has been true for over five years. 

This means that Google is statistically 60% more likely to be sending traffic to your website than any other search engine. Optimising for Google is critical! 

Google sends more traffic by volume in the most democratic way of any search engine available to you. On Google SEO reigns supreme. 

Google SEO

2-3% of clicks on Google are paid adverts. This is the same for mobile traffic. 

62.2% of clicks on Google are a result of SEO in webpages in organic traffic. For mobile searches this is between 39-40%. 

These means that organic SEO is 20x more clicks than paid advertising.  

In terms of spend this means that 10% of your investment is going on the organise search traffic and 90% on paid advertising which is less effective in the long run. 

SEO is a small about of investment in terms of time and spend but by starting small and early you will have the best chance of succeeding with it. Sarah compares this to building strategies for long term prosperity in your business. 

The Best Of Both 

While PPC may look ineffective based on the statistics, Sarah recommends a combination of both PPC and SEO. 

This is because SEO is always changing. It can shift faster than your can work on it. PPC is an effective way of keeping things going while you manage your SEO's ever changing set up. 

Voice Search 

We can't ignore the risk of voice search and the impact on SEO. 

Google is developing the interactive transaction layer between customers and your business. 

Featured snippets are the only thing that Google will read to searcher when they carry out a voice search and SEO is what makes Google choose you to have a featured snippet. 

A lot of voice search happens through questions, such as "What is SEO?" or "What Is content marketing?". 

Optimising your content with SEO that will answer those questions means having these sorts of questions for your headings, which will increase your likelihood of landing that place as a featured snippet, means that traffic is more likely to land on your site from a voice search as a result. 

Unique Relevant Content 

Google is looking for content that has expertise, authority and is trustworthy. If it sees these factors in your content then your SEO is more likely to be successful. 

By demonstrating that your a trustworthy authority in your content and optimising it with SEO gives you a much stronger chance of landing "position zero": the most desirable spot on a search page.

So how do you land this position? 

Google doesn't always choose the top ranking page to get chosen as a featured snippets or position zero. It chooses the website that has the most authoritative information in its content. 

You are likely to be competing with Wikipedia for the featured snippet page. If you remember that Google likes lists: bulleted and numbered, then you have a better chance of getting picked up by Google for the featured snippet in position zero at the top of a search page. 


While a lot of people are worried that SEO is going away, Sarah believes it is reaching a new golden age.

Using a combination of SEO and PPC is an effective way to make sure that you have consistent ongoing strategy in place to continue to drive traffic while you manage SEO as it constantly changes. 

Voice search is changing the way SEO works and optimising your site to work for desktop, mobile and voice search is a recipe for SEO success. 

Take a look at how Insynth's specialist SEO services could maximise your website visibility and generate high-quality traffic.


Read More

■  Live @ #INBOUND18: Google Snippets And SEO 
■  Live @ #INBOUND18: A Keynote Session With Brian Halligan And Dharmesh Shah
■  Live @ #INBOUND18: Funny To Money: The Science Of Selling With Humour

About Insynth

Insynth Marketing is a leading UK construction marketing consultancy based in Shifnal in the West Midlands. Insynth employ the latest inbound marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to help building product manufacturers grow their businesses by aggressively driving sales lead generation activity. 

As the only HubSpot certified agency to major on construction marketing, we bring together construction marketing strategy, digital strategy, website design, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, sales automation, marketing automation and HubSpot CRM implementation to produce successful campaigns and great results for our clients.

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