The Construction Marketing Blog for Building Product Brands

Insynth @INBOUND19 - The Inside Scoop: HubSpot’s Email Program

Written by Rich Newsome | 04-Sep-2019 19:02:06

Jordan’s LinkedIn:

“For those of you who have heard ‘email is dead’ I’m here to tell you that’s a far cry from the truth”. Jordan Pritkin, Email & Growth Marketing Manager at Hubspot, talks about the most successful email programs to improve your email engagement, and drive up the conversion rate of your latest workflow.

Jordan promises from the session:

  • Learn how to use automation to save your business time and money.
  • What drives HubSpot’s most successful email programs.
  • Tips and tricks for creating a more personalized email program that will delight your contacts.

Our mission is to help businesses grow better. This involves assessing all marketing strategies that you’re currently using and looking at how we can improve them so that your business can grow.

Email has a reputation for being ‘outdated’ and stale. Today’s talk set out to tackle this notion.

We’ve all had those emails that just don’t speak to us. They are irrelevant, unhelpful, and inevitably end up in your ‘spam’ folder.

Jordan talks about some simple tweaks that can dramatically improve your email quality and potentially lead to further sales growth.



Company Centric Vs Customer Centric

When you send out an email to your contacts, avoid talking about your company and your brand. We have found that this doesn’t resonate with audiences. It ends up becoming a sales pitch.

When you aim to make your emails customer centric, you’ll be focussing on helping customers tackle their challenges.


Personalised Emails

The key message is personalisation. Customers want to feel as though they’re having a human conversation. Address them by their first name and tailor your content based on their challenges.

This requires you to think about the language you are using. It should be human, helpful and friendly, action orientated, and ask intriguing questions.



Save Time With HubSpot

As HubSpot partners, we recommend their email marketing services as they allow you to address customer’s challenges in a human way whist sending an automated email. It saves time but doesn’t come across as ‘spammy’.

Would you like to learn more about HubSpot’s email marketing tools? Talk to one of our experts today.



They key to a successful email marketing strategy is looking at your online visitor’s journey. What content are they downloading? What can you learn about them? If you can tailor your emails to the challenges of your visitor, you’re giving them the opportunity to progress from a visitor to a customer.

If you would like to learn more about how you can develop a personalised, human email marketing strategy for your building products and construction company, get in touch today.