Creating a consistent blogging strategy isn’t as simple as it once was.
Twenty years ago, you could blog about a specific subject and you’d stand a good chance of getting ranked on page one of Google.
Many businesses capitalised (and profited) from this approach… and then everyone started doing it.
Google became cleverer, and consequently, getting ranked became harder.
Fast forward to 2021… generating results from blogging has now become somewhat of an artform.
And it’s left many building product manufacturers questioning,
How should I blog for my building product business?!
So, in this post, we’ve got all the tips and tricks to get you started on - what should hopefully be – a successful blogging journey.
Read on…
1# Do Your Keyword Research
Carrying out keyword research is one of the most important components of your building product’s blogging strategy.
Keyword research will allow you to understand what terms people are searching for to find solutions similar to the ones you provide. It will also uncover the search volume (i.e. how many times a particular keyword is searched for every month).
Armed with this information, you will begin to formulate an understanding on what topics are gaining most traction within your space.
Tools such as SEMRush will provide this information for you. You’ll also be able to analyse your competitors to gain insight on the keywords they are ranking for.
SEMRush is a great but complex tool. It will also require a monthly fee to get the full benefit of the software, so you should allow yourself time to get to grips with it, and seriously consider whether your building product company can afford the monthly investment.
Perhaps you should consider handing over your keyword research to an agency with all the tools in place already… like… um… Insynth!
#2 Blog Around A Topic
Google works around a complex set of algorithms and when someone types a query into the search engine, Google crawls millions of websites and selects the one with the most valuable content.
So, if you think that by writing one blog post on one topic will be enough, then think again.
Instead, your building product blogs should be based around one topic at a time. You should aim to write up to twelve blog titles on one topic. That way, you’ll be maximising your chances of getting ranked by Google. Key topics might be:
- Fire Doors in Apartment Buildings
- Data Centre Security Fencing
- LST Radiators For Primary Schools
The list goes on…
The bottom line: Topic clusters are key to getting ranked on page 1 of Google.
#3 Make it A Key Person’s Responsibility
Blogging can take up a lot of time. As a rule of thumb, we recommend you set aside three hours for each individual blog post.
So, if you’re thinking about blogging in-house, make it one person’s sole responsibility to ensure they get written consistently.
Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. You won’t achieve results straight away, which is why consistency is crucial. Ideally, you’ll be blogging once or twice a week to achieve those desirable results.
#4 Write With Clarity
I say this because writing isn’t a natural skill: some people are good at writing; others are not.
And building products can become very technical, very quickly.
Having a writer that is able to distil this technical information – without losing its value – requires a true professional – someone who is skilled in the art of writing copy.
Skilled writers can be difficult to come by, but you’d be surprised at how much value a writer will bring to your team.
#5 Aim To Solve Problems
There’s nothing worse than heading over to a blog section that’s either:
- Too company centric (all about me, me, me… look at me…)
- One that’s written purely for SEO (keyword stuffy text that’s robotic with no true value)
Each blog should aim to make the lives of your architects, specifiers, surveyors, etc, easier by solving a problem they may have.
I hate to say it… but blogging isn’t easy. Time, consistency, SEO expertise and writing skill all play major roles in the success of your blogging strategy.
But don’t be put off. Blogging has helped countless Insynth clients increase their organic traffic and lead generation.
So, get in touch today and let us take care of your building product company’s blogs so that you can truly maximise its potential.
About Insynth
At Insynth we deliver a predictable flow of leads, customers, and specifications for building product brands through our inbound marketing approach, proven to reach a technically demanding audience.
We use the latest marketing techniques such as construction inbound marketing, to equip building product companies to grow sustainability in this era of digital transformation.
As the only HubSpot certified agency to major in construction marketing. We have a proven formula of bringing a variety of functionalities together including CRM Implementation, Web Design, Sales Automation, SEO, and Email Marketing to achieve your ultimate aim: Growing your business and gaining new specifiers and customers.