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Sandy Bassi

Sandy Bassi

Sandy is a Digital Content Marketer with Insynth Marketing Ltd. She brings to the business a First-Class Honours Degree in Marketing, Advertising & PR and a CIM Professional Diploma. She has helped businesses across the globe to achieve their marketing goals.

Recent posts by Sandy Bassi

6 min read

8 Common Mistakes Building Products Businesses Make In Website Design

By Sandy Bassi on 28-Feb-2023 11:22:00

A unique and compelling website isn’t an option anymore. If a building products business has a poorly designed website, it can result in losing customers and potential leads turning to competitors.

Regrettably, this happens frequently as many small building product businesses create their websites to cut costs rather than working as a lead magnet.

In this blog post, we'll explore the top six website design mistakes to avoid so you can ensure users have positive experiences on your website…

Topics: Website
4 min read

5 Tips To Optimise Your Building Products Website For Lead Generation

By Sandy Bassi on 24-Feb-2023 10:30:49

Is your website design made to help individuals move through the buyer's journey?

The issue is that many building product websites come across as brochures rather than lead generation sites. Although it's a good idea to have product information on your website, the design itself might be causing users to bounce and click off your website. 

Your website should be your best salesperson, generating leads, helping customers, working 24/7, consistent, always on-message and measurable.

Here’s how you can get started…

Topics: Website
13 min read

6 Principles Of Good Building Product Website Design

By Sandy Bassi on 02-Feb-2023 14:00:00

With the vast majority of customers turning to the internet to search and find businesses, it’s essential to have a good, solid website design. 

Web design can make or break the user experience, and ultimately determine whether or not people will return to your building product website.  

That's why it's important to understand the principles of good building product website design and to apply them to ensure your site is built to convert traffic into customers.

Topics: Website
4 min read

Why Your Building Product Business Should Consider Podcasting

By Sandy Bassi on 06-Oct-2022 15:45:48

7.1 million people in the UK are now listening to podcasts every week, with regular listeners consuming an average of 7 episodes each time.

These numbers have increased by 25% since last year and are still rising.

However, what does this mean for building product businesses like yours? And how can you leverage the growth of podcasts to reach your audience?

Incorporating podcasts in your construction marketing plan can help your small business in a variety of ways, including sharing information about products/services, company news, and general industry news.

Chances are, architects and specifiers are listening to podcasts and it’s your chance to reach them with podcasting.

Here’s why you need to consider podcasting…

3 min read

#INBOUND22 Turning Creativity Into A Marketing Funnel

By Sandy Bassi on 20-Sep-2022 16:16:00


Netflix, Disney+, and even TikTok have raised the bar on audience expectations. What’s the result of this?

Whether you're creating on behalf of Pixar, or your small building product business, you've got to get creative if you want to compete. 

This creates pressure in the marketing space of today, especially in construction. But, it's also an opportunity.

Those who get creative, authentic, and engaging will be rewarded. However, what about the ROI on that creativity? In this INBOUND22 session by Lindsay Tjepkema, we covered how to maximise your return on creativity by starting with core creative content, breaking it into smaller pieces, and amplifying it.

Topics: INBOUND22
3 min read

#INBOUND22 How You Can Use Video Across Your Customer Journey

By Sandy Bassi on 16-Sep-2022 09:16:00


As video usage is increasing, our attention spans online are decreasing. Whether we’re quickly watching 10 second videos or along the 79% of individuals who watch videos on mute – getting your video strategy right is essential.

As many companies are now adopting video marketing, don’t let your building product business fall behind.

This #INBOUND22 session ran by Taylor Corrado and Chris Lavigne worked through an interactive framework for creating the most impactful videos and getting them in front of the right audience at the right point in the customer’s journey.

There are three core marketing goals where video can make a big difference - Acquisition, Adoption, and Brand.

The session covers where to focus your creative team, and how you can scale and measure the impact of video on your business. Here’s the rundown…

Topics: INBOUND22
3 min read

#INBOUND22 Your Event Is Over. Now What?

By Sandy Bassi on 14-Sep-2022 12:31:00

Live From #INBOUND22

Your event is over, now what?

What happens after the event is often more important than the event itself. Attendees are buzzing with enthusiasm from your event, but marketers often miss the prime opportunity for targeted follow-up.

In this session by Lauren Grady, Sara Essember, Rachel Heller and Oren Berkovich we'll explore how to turn a freshly captivated audience into an ongoing community ready to take action. 

Read on to find out how to captivate your audience after your live event…

Topics: INBOUND22
5 min read

#INBOUND22 How To Standout Amongst The Crowd On LinkedIn

By Sandy Bassi on 08-Sep-2022 18:33:35


Tapping into creativity will help your brand stand out on LinkedIn. Is your building product business making the most out of LinkedIn?

We’re live from INBOUND 2022 and this session tapped into how you can grow your LinkedIn presence through impactful and differentiated content.

Felipe Ortolano and Amanda Green cover the best practices for creative on LinkedIn, how to maximise different content types on LinkedIn, such as sponsored content, or newsletters, and create a content plan for LinkedIn.

Here’s the run-down…

3 min read

#INBOUND22 Using ABX To Survive (And Thrive) In An Economic Downturn

By Sandy Bassi on 07-Sep-2022 21:57:31


Whether you call it a dreaded “recession” or economic downturn, it’s vital that B2B brands look to the future for GTM success in 2022 and beyond.

As companies are forced to slash budgets, it’s more important than ever to focus where ROI is quantifiable and consistent.

The future of thriving in a recession is here, and it’s Account-Based Experience (ABX). Reachdesk co-founder and CRO Alex Olley share his expertise and insights on evolving from ABM to ABX to align your marketing, sales, and customer success strategies and drive success, even with budget cuts and economic uncertainty. Read on for a summary of this session…

Topics: INBOUND22
7 min read

How To Market To Architects The Inbound Marketing Way

By Sandy Bassi on 11-Aug-2022 12:29:00

The UK Construction industry is worth an estimated £110bn in revenue every year, and construction product sales turnover more than £50bn annually. Architects are responsible for the specification and selection of a very large proportion of this expenditure.

So how does this impact your construction marketing strategies and why does Inbound Marketing become the ideal method of adapting to this change?

Topics: Content Marketing
7 min read

The Benefits Of Construction Content Marketing

By Sandy Bassi on 05-Jul-2022 11:39:00

For your building product business, content marketing is vital. It helps you build trust, develop relationships, increase conversions, and generate leads by answering your audiences’ questions.  

4 min read

Here’s Why Your Building Product Company Needs Video Marketing

By Sandy Bassi on 28-Apr-2022 18:54:10

Video is increasingly being used to promote products and services in a variety of ways.

7 min read

5 Construction Marketing Hacks You Need To Know

By Sandy Bassi on 07-Apr-2022 12:15:00

Every month, the average internet user is faced with 11,250 advertisements. That's a lot of adverts.

Finding fresh and inventive ways to attract both your audience's attention and information can be extremely difficult in today's world of noise and competition and construction marketing, it's no different.

The most successful way to reach your target audience, produce organic traffic to your website and generate quality leads is through digital marketing.

Here are construction marketing hacks your building product business needs to know…

5 min read

Defining A Construction Sales Lead

By Sandy Bassi on 07-Apr-2022 12:08:08

As a building products business, you may want to expand your pipeline, but it can be frustrating when you don’t know where to start.

Your pipeline may be full right now, but the construction industry is notorious for planning forward.

So, how can you win new work and establish connections in the construction industry? The solution is to use construction leads.

A construction sales lead is a term that is frequently used, but many people are unsure of what it actually is.

To obtain leads, it’s essential to understand what a construction sales lead is. This blog will run through the benefits of construction sales leads, as well as how to identify good-fit leads.

Topics: Sales
6 min read

5 Construction Marketing Trends To Adopt In 2022

By Sandy Bassi on 12-Nov-2021 07:30:00

Within marketing, trends continuously evolving. And even though studies have shown that the construction marketing industry is slower to adapt, this is your chance to get your building product business ahead of your competition.

Keeping up with new technology and trends can be difficult, so we've compiled a list of 5 marketing trends and techniques to adopt in your construction marketing in 2022 and beyond. 

What can marketers look forward to? 

And which new marketing strategies will be the most effective? 

Please continue reading to learn about the latest digital marketing trends and apply them to your building product business…

Topics: Trends
5 min read

Architecture Magazines: Print Vs Digital

By Sandy Bassi on 20-Oct-2021 09:23:46

If the target market of your building product business is architects or specifiers, architecture magazines are great places for you to get listed.

These magazines allow architects to learn about new products, relevant projects and the latest advances in the architectural and design sector.

A chance for them to learn about your building products and services.

However, with the decline of print circulation of magazines, is print dying out? Find out if you should list your building product business on print or digital magazines…

Topics: Lead Generation
6 min read

#INBOUND2021: Purpose-Driven SEO - A Modern SEO Strategy

By Sandy Bassi on 14-Oct-2021 16:01:33

Live From #INBOUND2021

For over a decade, SEO experts have relied on strategies like on-page optimization, blogging and email outreach for links.

But, in 2021, these techniques are losing their effectiveness because they rely on coordination with a web developer, big content budgets, and spammy email outreach.

Fortunately, there's a better way to grow organic traffic: purpose-driven SEO!

Here’s a recap of the session by SEO expert Dale Bertrand. Dale delves into a step-by-step playbook on how to apply this effective new strategy for your building product business’s website to generate high-quality organic visitors.

Here’s the run-down…

Topics: INBOUND22
5 min read

#INBOUND2021: Email Subject Lines Vs. Email Content

By Sandy Bassi on 13-Oct-2021 22:46:00

Live From #INBOUND2021

What matters most? Getting your email opened or getting the recipient to click through... A click is one step closer to a sale or registration and is a more important engagement than just an opened email - that is not debatable.

But how can you get a click-through without getting the email opened first? So, this leaves marketers at INBOUND 2021 with a debate of what’s the most important - the subject line or the creative.

To learn more from this intense discussion from Courtney Dagher, Jay Schwedelson, and Nancy Harhut, carry on reading and decide which side of the never-ending debate you choose…

Topics: INBOUND22
5 min read

#INBOUND2021: 7 Steps To Becoming The Most Trusted Voice In Your Space

By Sandy Bassi on 13-Oct-2021 21:42:55

Live From #INBOUND2021

Content is a singular building block of all businesses - especially in the B2B world.

It's the essential emotion we all seek. And in the digital marketing field, our success rises and falls every day based on just how much trust we're able to generate in the marketplace.

This session, given by popular INBOUND speaker Marcus Sheridan, will give you seven proven steps to literally become not just a content machine in your building product business, but the most trusted voice in your space.

If you're willing to think differently, and truly want to stand out in a sea of content sameness, continue reading…

The fact is, most industries still in 2021, do not have an established ‘WebMd’ of their space. And this is one main reason why may not be viewed as a trusted thought leader in your unique space right now.

Topics: INBOUND22
6 min read

Digital Marketing Tips To Improve Your Construction Sales Leads

By Sandy Bassi on 24-Sep-2021 10:30:00

It's understandably difficult to know which strategies will generate you the most sales leads, and the ones that work best are dependent on your building product needs and goals.

So, how do you know what digital marketing strategies are best to improve your construction sales leads? Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing
5 min read

5 Construction Marketing Services To Look Out For

By Sandy Bassi on 27-Aug-2021 08:57:55

Digital marketing agency services are an essential part of growing your business in the digital age, especially within the construction industry.

That’s why hiring an agency to work on your construction business’ behalf can make a world of difference. You can get access to a whole team of industry specialists and double down on the ROI that investing in your digital marketing can provide.

If you’re thinking about which construction marketing services to look out for, here are 5…

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

5 Things To Consider When Looking For A Construction Marketing Agency

By Sandy Bassi on 13-Aug-2021 09:27:25

Deciding to work with a construction marketing agency is a big business decision, particularly if you haven't invested in marketing before. 

Yet, when you make an informed and educated decision in selecting an agency partner, you can increase your engagement exponentially, and it can help you improve your ROI for your building product business.

But, how do you know which is the right agency for your unique business?

If you’re wondering how to narrow it down, here are key things you should consider when searching for a construction marketing agency, read on to find out…

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

How To Digitise Your Construction CPDs

By Sandy Bassi on 23-Jul-2021 09:00:25

For many Building Product businesses, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has shown to be a successful route to market. It is also an important aspect of the professional growth of architects and specifiers.

However, due to the rise of digital technology - working from home and streamlining our approaches - we've all had to alter our techniques and think in new ways.

And this is done by digitising CPD sessions.

In reality, digital CPDs are providing manufacturers with new opportunities to reach out to a larger audience, expand their network, and establish thought leadership.

Producing a digital CPD involves more than just making a PowerPoint presentation and talking about the benefits of your products and services, however. What will set you apart from the competition is your ability to provide compelling, engaging content.

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

What To Look For In A Construction Marketing Company

By Sandy Bassi on 09-Jul-2021 10:40:58

It can be difficult to find a construction marketing company for your building products business.

However, when searching for an agency partner, you may be unsure whether they'll be the ideal fit for your company and your marketing goals.

We get it.

That’s why we’ve put this blog together, so you know what things to look out for when you search for a construction marketing company…

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

Top 3 Tips For Conducting Interviews For Your Buyer Persona Research

By Sandy Bassi on 19-May-2021 16:45:24

Conducting interviews for your building product buyer personas will provide you with far more in-depth data when compared to surveys or questionnaires.

This is because interviews will enable you to get a feel for what drives your building product target audience by getting deeper insights into their motivations and fears.

Specifiers, contractors and won/loss deals will be individuals to interview because they will provide you with insight into what your ideal customer might look like for your building product brand.

Here are top tips to conducting your buyer persona interviews, so that you can get the most out of your conversations, read on to find out more…

Topics: Inbound Marketing
4 min read

Gathering Buyer Persona Research For Your Building Product Brand

By Sandy Bassi on 07-May-2021 09:29:32

One of the most critical steps to creating your building product buyer personas is finding some people to speak with so you can gain deeper insights to your ideal customers and who your buyer persona might be.

That means you'll have to conduct some interviews to get to know what drives your building product target audience.

But how do you find those interviewees? Read on to find out…

Topics: Inbound Marketing
3 min read

The One Thing Building Product Brands Neglect

By Sandy Bassi on 23-Apr-2021 09:12:38

With your building product brand do you fully understand your target audience of specifiers and contractors?

Have you actively spoken to those deals you’ve won/lost and understood your target audience from their viewpoint of your building product brand?

If you haven’t done this, there is one thing your building product is neglecting. Without building buyer personas you’ll have a biased view of your target audience.

So, what are buyer personas? And how can you benefit? Read on to find out…

Topics: Inbound Marketing
4 min read

Buyer Personas For Your Building Product Brand

By Sandy Bassi on 09-Apr-2021 09:24:59

Do you know who your building product buyer personas are? How much do you know about your ideal customer?

Buyer personas are important and knowing about them will help your building product brand attract quality leads who you’ll be more likely to retain over time.

Read on to find out more about buyer personas for your building product brand…

Topics: Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Adopting Digital: Content Marketing For Your Building Product Brand

By Sandy Bassi on 18-Feb-2021 16:17:59

Specifiers, architects and leads want valuable content from your building products business. You can adopt digital to reach your audience in a way that feels natural and organic rather than being disruptive and spammy.

Content marketing attracts, engages, and delights, your target markets – in fact:

  • 93% of B2B marketers use content marketing
  • 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day
  • Conversion rates are nearly 6x higher for content marketing adopters than non-adopters

By adopting digital to improve content marketing, you can increase conversions, improve your brand awareness and ultimately – boost revenue.

Read on to find out how you can adopt digital to improve your content marketing…

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

Digital Adoption: Using Video For Your Building Products Business

By Sandy Bassi on 04-Feb-2021 11:45:34

As technology and digital habits evolve, it's not really surprising that video usage has shot up dramatically.  

It has even been predicted that users will spend 100 minutes a day watching online videos this year, highlighting opportunities for specifiers and architects to see your video marketing content.

When it comes to digital adoption, videography is something you should strongly consider for your construction marketing and here are some interesting facts to drive home this point:

  • 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool
  • Mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year
  • By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all specifier internet traffic


Read on to find out how using video for your building products business can benefit you…

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

Digital Adoption: Increasing Your Building Product Brand Awareness

By Sandy Bassi on 22-Jan-2021 11:20:50

Brand awareness is the way in which specifiers and architects recognise and remember your building product business.

The greater brand awareness you have, the more your intended audience is familiar with your building product brand.

By boosting your brand awareness, specifiers and architects will be more likely to buy from your building product business over a competitor’s business with which they’re not as familiar with.

You can work to improve your brand awareness with the help of digital adoption, read on to find out how…

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

Adopting Digital To Improve Your Social Media Strategy

By Sandy Bassi on 14-Jan-2021 11:21:27

What is successful social media marketing for your building product business? It’s everything from engaging users, attracting potential customers, researching, and keeping in mind the ultimate goal of gaining awareness to convert followers and connections into customers.

It’s important to improve your social media strategy because:

  • An average of 3 hours per day is spent on social networks
  • 54% of social browsers use social media to research products
  • 71% of specifiers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to fellow specifiers

Read on to discover how to adopt digital to improve your social media strategy…

Topics: Content Marketing