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Paul Iddon

Paul Iddon

Paul is an experienced Architect, specifier and Vice President of the Manchester Society of Architects, which is the largest Architectural group outside of London.

Recent posts by Paul Iddon

6 min read

Socks and Sustainability: Optimising Your Sales Approach

By Paul Iddon on 29-Oct-2021 11:30:00

A post written by architect and friend of Insynth, Paul Iddon ARB RIBA.

6 min read

Pride and Procurement: What Jane Austen Can Teach You About Construction

By Paul Iddon on 22-Oct-2021 11:11:00

Design and build procurement has had mixed results for manufacturers and architects alike. But recent events and the climate crisis are going to be a game-changer

A post written by architect and friend of Insynth, Paul Iddon ARB RIBA.

Topics: Trends
5 min read

Emotional Vs Rational CPD: Getting Your Message Across.

By Paul Iddon on 22-Sep-2021 19:15:00

Architects walk the tightrope between emotion and rationality, and understanding this idea is how you get your product specified.

A post written by architect and friend of Insynth, Paul Iddon ARB RIBA

Are architects’ dreamers or feet on the ground types? The inconvenient answer is both.

4 min read

Education Vs Inspiration: How To Create A Balanced CPD Programme

By Paul Iddon on 17-Sep-2021 11:00:00

To an architect, a CPD can be like a bag of Revels. You never know what you’re going to get…

A post written by architect and friend of Insynth, Paul Iddon ARB RIBA

A couple of years before the pandemic, I researched construction product manufacturing with sales and specification teams. I asked them to describe in single words what immediately came to mind when thinking about their communication with architects.

5 min read

What Motivates Architects. Clue: It’s Probably Not What You Think

By Paul Iddon on 12-Aug-2021 13:15:00

A post written by architect and friend of Insynth, Paul Iddon ARB RIBA.

Believe it or not, the definition of what architecture actually ‘is’ hasn’t changed in over 2000 years.

In another blog, I talk about the driving idea of Modern Movement Architecture(1) from the beginning of the 20th century that still shapes our built environment. But beneath every style and school of architecture, including Modernism, there is a more fundamental philosophy that has persisted since biblical times