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Dorian Wallace

Dorian Wallace

Dorian is the Marketing Manager at Insynth, responsible for the marketing and positioning of the Insynth brand. He is also 2021's Emerging Agency Star of The Year in UK construction marketing.

Recent posts by Dorian Wallace

7 min read

5 Effective Ways HubSpot Can Help You Manage Construction Leads

By Dorian Wallace on 23-Jun-2022 07:00:00

As a business leader in the built environment, you know how important it is to manage construction leads effectively. However, with multiple systems claiming to be the solution but very few actually meeting their claims, it can make understanding the benefits of each system challenging and selecting one confidently practically impossible.

This article will give you 5 effective ways HubSpot can help you effortlessly streamline your lead management, helping your sales team to be more aligned and productive simultaneously.

Now, let's run down some of the best ways you can align your sales and never drop the ball on a lead again.

Topics: HubSpot
8 min read

The One Mistake You Can't Afford To Make In Construction Marketing

By Dorian Wallace on 01-Jun-2022 17:00:29

The decisions you make can impact your business's ability to operate effectively for years to come.

Amongst these decisions, is one particular area which you cannot afford to get wrong; your business data. 

4 min read

[Infographic] Traditional Website Design Vs Growth-Driven Design

By Dorian Wallace on 22-Apr-2022 11:15:00

If your website is a major headache, you're far from alone.

Many building product businesses experience low lead generation, lack of ROI, and low traffic to their website pages. 

The most common solution to these issues is to re-design the website with a non-construction specialist. A process that typically costs £50,000 and takes 6-12 months to be delivered (not accounting for projects that overrun in terms of time and budget). Often with lacklustre results.

It leaves many building product business leaders perplexed. "How do we improve our site quickly and cost-effectively?" 

Sound familiar?

This blog comprehensively compares the traditional strategy website design process to the new and fastly growing 'Growth Driven Design' approach. To help you choose the right one for your website.

Topics: Website
12 min read

How To Convince Your Boss: Construction Video Marketing

By Dorian Wallace on 18-Feb-2022 10:15:00

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's the value of video?

Since Brian Palmer first conceptualised video marketing with the birth of television advertisements around 70 years ago, video marketing has evolved incredibly. Now 82% of ALL internet traffic is video in 2022.

With 86% of businesses using video as a marketing tool, can you really afford to be part of the 14% of businesses that don't? In this blog, I'll answer 3 of the worlds most common reasons for not using construction marketing video, allowing you to convince your Boss of its importance. Let's go!

Topics: Content Marketing
4 min read

How Building Product Businesses Can Identify ROI From Content Marketing

By Dorian Wallace on 07-May-2021 11:00:00

Construction marketing has evolved significantly in recent years. Today campaigns are surgically targeted, planned, and tracked, but many construction product businesses aren’t confident about how to measure the effects of their content marketing efforts.

In fact, 65% of marketers can’t quantitatively demonstrate the impact of their marketing, but by the end of this blog, you will.



Topics: Content Marketing
8 min read

How To Produce A Construction Marketing Content Strategy

By Dorian Wallace on 09-Apr-2021 11:45:00

Did you know 93% of businesses use content marketing?
That’s a lot of businesses right? But not all businesses produce good content and it needs to be good – really good in fact – to be worthwhile to consumers.

Find out why 72% of businesses say that content marketing strategy is the key to success and how you can create an effective content marketing strategy for your business – less the headache.

Topics: Content Marketing
10 min read

3 Content Marketing Examples for Construction Product Companies

By Dorian Wallace on 19-Mar-2021 11:30:00

Content marketing can be daunting, especially for construction products companies.

It’s easy to see campaigns from Coke or Nike and assume that you can’t do content marketing effectively without a seven-figure marketing budget – You’d be wrong. Clever ideas are free and sometimes all you need is inspiration.

So, if you're looking for something to spark an idea- Look no further. Here are 3 clever examples of content marketing you MUST see.

Topics: Content Marketing
5 min read

3 Content Marketing Essentials For Building Product Brands

By Dorian Wallace on 04-Mar-2021 15:45:00

Content marketing, besides being a buzzword is an atomic construction marketing tool and with the route to specification changing so dramatically, content is quickly taking the place of traditional CPDs and tradeshows.

But what types of content REALLY drives specifications, and is it even worth shifting your business model to accommodate it?

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Content Marketing: Is It Right For Your Building PRODUCT Brand?

By Dorian Wallace on 24-Feb-2021 14:04:31

With content marketing costing 62% less than traditional marketing but generating 3 times as many leads, content marketing is a game changer for businesses worldwide.

But, what does this mean for your building product business, is it relevant for you?

Read on to find out more.

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
4 min read

How Building Product Brands Can Use Content To Convert Specifiers

By Dorian Wallace on 19-Feb-2021 11:55:03

Now, this may seem obvious to some but the most vital factor specifiers consider when selecting a product is its technical performance. But, if this is the case why do so many building product brands get it so wrong?

Let me show you what specifiers are REALLY looking for.

Topics: Content Marketing
5 min read

How Trust Can Drive Specifications For Building Product Brands

By Dorian Wallace on 03-Feb-2021 12:00:00

For building product manufacturers, developing trust with architects is essential in getting specified. To do this effectively it is crucial you understand what architects want from your brand and how you can influence their decision throughout the specifier journey.

Read on to find out more...

Topics: Content Marketing