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Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Dom is a Technical Writer at Insynth Marketing Ltd and enjoys nothing more than making complicated topics easy to digest.

Recent posts by Dom D'Angelillo

2 min read

#INBOUND22 The Logic of Emotion: How to Make Inaction possible

By Dom D'Angelillo on 09-Sep-2022 15:54:11

Problem / Solution.

It’s with that formula that many, many marketing campaigns have been created. Offering solutions to our customer’s problems seems like the most logical approach doesn't it?

Topics: INBOUND22
2 min read

#INBOUND22 The Seller Free Economy: The Future of Sales & Marketing

By Dom D'Angelillo on 07-Sep-2022 19:12:30


Recent studies have shown a "seller-free" sales experience is what end users want.

As generations go by, familiarity with the e-commerce approach is likely to become the norm, whatever industry you're in. 

So what can marketing teams do to work more closely with sales and be more responsible? 

Topics: INBOUND22
2 min read

#INBOUND2022 Marketing Rules of Thumb: "Trust it" or "Bust It"

By Dom D'Angelillo on 07-Sep-2022 17:50:14


There are so many so-called 'rules of thumb within marketing. 

Things like "keep your copy short", "lead with the customer's problems", "be relatable" or "feature positive testimonials". The problem is, this advice isn't universal, while sometimes it helps other times it can be a hindrance. 

Topics: INBOUND22
5 min read

How To Generate More Construction Product Leads?

By Dom D'Angelillo on 22-Apr-2022 17:45:00

Leads. No building product business would deny their importance.

Without them, you’re sitting in stasis. With them, you are driving your business forward.

While their importance can’t be understated, finding ways of getting construction leads can be challenging. Getting more leads helps you convert into more sales and in turn, more money.

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Construction Marketing Strategies To Set Your Business Apart

By Dom D'Angelillo on 25-Mar-2022 10:32:37

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to explore the construction marketing strategies to help propel your building product business ahead of your competitors.

But with so much noise in the industry about improving your Google Rankings, getting your building product mentioned in leading magazines or creating content that converts, it can be overwhelming.

Where do you start? What strategies are best for your building product business? How do you know your marketing partner can help achieve these goals?

Topics: Lead Generation
8 min read

How To Create A Construction Marketing Brief

By Dom D'Angelillo on 19-Jan-2022 08:00:00

A brief is one of the single most important parts of your marketing strategy.  

Helping give guidance, purpose and a plan, a well-written brief is an invaluable tool to your internal marketing team or preferred agency, but fewer building product brands are using them. 

But why? 

6 min read

10 Marketing Metrics For Your Building Product Brand In 2022

By Dom D'Angelillo on 14-Jan-2022 09:33:10

As we head into a new year, when it comes to reassessing your building product’s approach to marketing, you want to have a data-led approach and be guided by the science.

Only through this approach can you meet your KPIs and begin to see actual business growth.

Topics: Trends
8 min read

Should Your Building Product Brand Exhibit At Trade Shows in 2022?

By Dom D'Angelillo on 22-Dec-2021 18:06:34

Are exhibitions still the best way to promote your building product? 

Getting it in front of architects, specifiers and other construction project decision-makers is essential, but in a world where something as innocuous as a handshake is a public health nightmare, are there better ways to promote your product?

Topics: Trade Show
6 min read

The Content Your Building Product Business Should Use In 2022

By Dom D'Angelillo on 01-Dec-2021 16:54:15

Every year, new content marketing trends appear, forcing businesses to reconsider their approach to reaching their customer base.

When it comes to your building products, what content marketing techniques are you using? Can your construction product business take advantage of a wider range of approaches?

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Why Your Building Products Need A Digital Twin

By Dom D'Angelillo on 18-Nov-2021 11:06:42

Digital twins, virtual reality and augmented reality. These might seem like terms plucked from the latest Ridley Scott flick, but in the space of a decade, they have gone from something of a science fictional pipedream to part of everyday life.

With technology continuing to accelerate, it’s only a matter of time before these new developments become part of the construction industry, helping your business create a digital twin, grow and stand out against your competitors.

Topics: Trends
3 min read

#INBOUND2021: 5G And The Tech Revolution

By Dom D'Angelillo on 14-Oct-2021 19:43:06

Live From #INBOUND2021

INBOUND isn’t just about marketing, it’s also about showcasing the latest technology and highlighting how it can be hugely beneficial to all areas of life.

Take 5G for instance.

You’ve probably heard quite a lot about it. You might even be one of the half-billion or so people in the world whose phone actually makes use of it.

But what exactly is it? How far has the tech really come, and what can it be used for?

Answering these questions and more was Qualcomm’s, Don McGuire.

Topics: INBOUND22
4 min read

#INBOUND2021: 5 Essential Tips From A LinkedIn Ads Expert

By Dom D'Angelillo on 14-Oct-2021 18:28:54

Live From #INBOUND2021

The final day of INBOUND and we’re still just scratching the surface of all the amazing presentations, seminars and debates going on.

The latest was another ‘must watch’ as LinkedIn’s Amanda Green and Kaitlin Bellay talked through some essential tips to really boost leads and conversions on everyone’s favourite networking platform: LinkedIn.

Amanda presented 5 top tips that can really help you turn those ideal prospects into customers.

Topics: INBOUND22
5 min read

#INBOUND2021: LinkedIn Organic Vs. LinkedIn Ads

By Dom D'Angelillo on 13-Oct-2021 20:27:57

Live From #INBOUND2021

We’ve all been there. That lightbulb moment when we realise all of our customers are on LinkedIn and we realise we can reach out to them.

But what is the best way? Do we just post and hope that it gets in front of the right people at the right time, or should businesses focus more on adverts and specifically targeting their demographic?

It’s the (social media) age-old question.

Going head-to-head at INBOUND2021 were LinkedIn Professionals AJ Wilcox and Michaela Alexis, both who have different approaches to reaching the customer and getting the best bang for your buck.

Topics: INBOUND22
3 min read

#INBOUND2021: Using Metaphors For Story Success

By Dom D'Angelillo on 13-Oct-2021 20:27:05

Live From #INBOUND2021

Being able to tell a story is important. But being able to tell a story well and for it to be creative, thought-provoking and insightful is something else entirely.

You don’t just want your customers to come to you when they need you, you need them to always be thinking about you. 

For 30 fantastic minutes, INBOUND 2021 became an English Literature class as Genein Letford talked through the use of metaphors for storytelling and how this can be applied to you and your customer’s message.

Topics: INBOUND22
3 min read

#INBOUND2021: The Benefits Of Curating Content To Your Audience

By Dom D'Angelillo on 12-Oct-2021 20:50:58

Live From #INBOUND21

At INBOUND2021, Dawn Ostroff, the Chief Content & Advertising Officer of Spotify provided her own unique take on tailoring content to your specific audience. 

With the ‘if it’s not broken, don’t fix it’ approach not necessarily working in every case, Dawn’s talk was very much used to highlight the benefits of continuous innovation in content creation and how it is essential in any brand’s survival.

When it comes to the battle of growth versus loss, it’s a combination of both attracting customers, but ensuring that they are retained and engaged. 

Dawn Ostroff was joined by comedian and host of the Shake-Up Podcast Alexis Gay to discuss this in more detail.

Topics: INBOUND22
8 min read

[UPDATE] The Complete UK Construction Week Report

By Dom D'Angelillo on 12-Oct-2021 11:03:02

After 1 postponement, 3 lockdowns and countless litres of hand sanitiser used, last week finally saw the return of UK Construction Week after almost 2 years. 

Taking place at the NEC, the entire construction industry headed to the Midlands to share their latest innovations, educate their peers and understand the industry as it moves out of one of the most turbulent times in living memory.   

But with exhibitions spending so much time on the sideline during the pandemic, was it worth the two-year wait or is this once ‘standard’ marketing technique teetering on the edge of irrelevance? 

Well, we took the time to speak to several exhibitors and attendees on the final day of the show to discover which marketing direction the industry is looking towards. 

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

The Signs It's Time To Change Your Construction Marketing Plan

By Dom D'Angelillo on 03-Sep-2021 09:08:24

Feel like you’re stuck in construction marketing Groundhog Day?

You wake up every morning, use the same tried and tested marketing techniques, reach out to the same list of prospects and end up not getting anywhere. It’s like someone switched the polarity of your marketing magnet!

Don’t be disheartened. There’s one, very quick and easy solution.

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Marketing Agencies For Construction Companies

By Dom D'Angelillo on 13-Aug-2021 09:54:49

The construction industry is set to undergo significant growth over the next 12-months, returning to levels that haven’t been seen since before the pandemic.

This makes it a fantastic time for construction product manufacturers to rethink their marketing strategy.

With countless marketing agencies to choose from it can be difficult for construction companies to know where to begin looking and even more difficult to decide on which marketing agency is best for them.

In this blog, we discuss everything that a construction marketing agency should be.

Topics: Content Marketing
8 min read

How England Can Inspire Your  Construction Marketing

By Dom D'Angelillo on 16-Jul-2021 10:28:55

Are you still feeling disheartened about England narrowly missing out on European glory? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

But don’t let that get you down for too long. After all, think of the journey Gareth Southgate and the lads have been on for the last few years, taking us from international embarrassment to unity and pride.

There are significant lessons to be learned from England, so let’s talk about how a change in your construction marketing tactics can pave the way for a shift in fortunes.

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Construction Marketing: What Is Lead Nurturing?

By Dom D'Angelillo on 10-Jun-2021 14:50:36

With a huge database of potential construction sector customers, have you ever found yourself asking questions like:

What should I do with them all?’ and

Who should I contact now?’

If you answered yes to the above, then lead nurturing is the answer for you.

Just like children must be nurtured to grow into functioning adults, responsible for mortgages, doctor’s appointments and their own shopping, customers too, must be nurtured so that every piece of information you have given them on their journey leads to you getting their business.

Topics: Lead Generation