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Brennan Chui

Brennan Chui

Brennan is a content writer at Insynth. She takes great care in understanding client’s needs and support them towards success.

Recent posts by Brennan Chui

7 min read

Marketing to Architects: How to Create a Plan & Get Exec Buy-In

By Brennan Chui on 18-Oct-2023 11:35:51

Here’s the hardest part about marketing to architects. You have to focus on this singular audience.

Many are afraid of missing other opportunities - “We want to speak to distributors, contractors, and clients too.”

We get it. But there's a better way to approach this.

Topics: Lead Generation Inbound Marketing Marketing Strategy
5 min read

Leveraging Content Marketing to Reach Architects

By Brennan Chui on 14-Sep-2023 15:59:31

In a notoriously competitive industry like construction, standing out from the crowd requires some hard work. Effective content marketing can help you achieve this goal by strategically positioning your brand on search engines for relevant topics, which in turn attracts more qualified leads to your business.

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Website Design Essentials for Effective Marketing To Architects

By Brennan Chui on 22-Aug-2023 09:27:26

Your website is an essential part of marketing to architects and, according to our research, it is their "first port of call" when researching new products. 

However, many building product companies consider their website a brochure. A static page. 

Your website can be so much more than that!

Topics: Website