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Abby Buchan-Howard

Abby Buchan-Howard

Abby is a Digital Content Marketer with Insynth Marketing Ltd. She brings to the business a first class honours degree in Creative and Professional Writing and English and a wealth of writing experience through published novels, short fiction and product description for local businesses in Shropshire.

Recent posts by Abby Buchan-Howard

5 min read

Construction Marketing Strategy: SEO Trends 2019-Part 3

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Feb-2019 10:00:00

Insynth have been running a blog series on the upcoming SEO trends of 2019 that your construction marketing team need to embrace in order to succeed in the Google rankings.

In this final instalment, we’ll be exploring image search. This developing search method allows users to carry out organic search using there camera.

For SEO professionals in the building products sector, this is a game changer for how you’ll carry out your construction marketing strategies.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Sales Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Construction Marketing Strategy: SEO Trends 2019-Part 2

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 04-Feb-2019 10:00:00

In this 3 part series on the upcoming SEO trends that you need to know in 2019, we’re looking at the most important factors that you need to consider when applying your SEO strategy for construction marketing.

In this second instalment, we’ll be exploring how you can leverage your SEO strategy to showcase your building product’s company

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Inbound Marketing
7 min read

Construction Marketing Strategy: SEO Trends 2019-Part 1

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 01-Feb-2019 11:46:18

The new year is now well underway. For many SEO professionals in the construction marketing industry this is the time to start looking forward to the upcoming trends for 2019 and leverage the latest techniques to dominate in the SERPs.

It’s a well-known fact that search engines are getting more intelligent every day. If you want your building products company to achieve top rankings in 2019, you need to be ready for the latest SEO trends and developments that are coming up.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Sales MarTech Inbound Marketing
7 min read

5 Things To Remember When Using Images For Construction Marketing

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 20-Dec-2018 09:00:00

In construction marketing, images are an effective way to communicate your message to your audience. Not only do they help the audience to understand your content better, they are more appealing and easier to read than large chunks of text.  

Images are used in every aspect of content marketing for construction; this can be blog posts, eBooks, web copy or social media posts.

Insynth have been blogging about the top 5 things you should remember when using images in your construction marketing.

Read on to find out more…

7 min read

"Alexa, Can You Build Me A New House?" Alexa In The Construction Sector

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 18-Dec-2018 13:05:59

It’s late, you’ve run out of teabags and the in-laws are coming in the morning. The shops are shut for the night and you have a million things to do tomorrow before the family arrive.

No problem! Just shout “Alexa, order me a packet of tea bags” safe in the knowledge that by the time you mother in law pulls up outside your tea caddy will be freshly filled and you won’t have had to brave the supermarket to achieve that.

Now imagine you want to move to a new house and you can’t find quite what you’re looking for on the market. Why can’t you just ask Alexa to build you a house?

Well, with Amazon Fund making a move on the construction industry you may soon be able to do just that. Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing MarTech
4 min read

Luke Joins To Help Building Products Companies Grow Sales & Succeed

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 29-Nov-2018 10:45:46

To further our mission to bring inbound to the construction industry, Insynth Marketing are thrilled to introduce Luke Monterosso, who joins the team as a Business Development Manager. 

Luke is responsible for growing their client base by introducing sales & marketing professionals from the building products industry to the Inbound philosophy.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing Sales
6 min read

Readability Ranks: The Score You Didn't Know You Needed

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 21-Nov-2018 12:17:28

Google is always looking for good content. It wants to give the user the best experience and puts the best content at the top.

Content that’s easy to read is useful to the reader. It’s more likely to be on page one of Google and has a higher chance of being found online.

One of the best ways to do this is to write content for a wide audience.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Why Your Rankings Are Always Changing And How To Win

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 19-Nov-2018 10:00:00

Google algorithms are constantly developing. Their ever-shifting nature has created a dynamic space where competition is fierce to achieve and maintain top positions on search pages.

This constantly changing landscape of Google algorithms has a created what can sometimes feel like a hostile environment. Content creators and SEO experts are constantly having to adapt their strategies to maintain the top positions on Google or to climb the rankings on their keywords.

Let’s look more into the volatility of Google’s constantly changing set of rules…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO
5 min read

What Content Writers Are Doing To Achieve Top Google Rankings

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 15-Nov-2018 13:48:36

Google algorithms are always changing. Their constant state of flux is directly related to our changing habits when searching online.

With 200 factors being analysed, picking a starting point for construction marketing can feel daunting.

Insynth have been blogging about how you can write content that conquers Google’s algorithms to help you win the top positions.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing SEO
4 min read

Construction Marketing: Are You A Storyteller Or An Opera Singer?

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 07-Nov-2018 11:00:00

Are you a storyteller or an opera singer?

This might seem like a strange question but stick with us.

Here are Insynth, we’ve been learning about content writing, and how working in the style of either an opera singer or a storyteller can impact on the reader’s perception of you.  

Keep reading to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Why Original Photography Triumphs Over Stock Images

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 26-Oct-2018 11:30:00

In construction marketing, visual images can make a substantial difference to the impact that your content has one your readers.

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Success For Contour: Insynth Client Wins Top Google Rankings

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 22-Oct-2018 10:41:40

Contour Heating, a heating solutions manufacturer based in the West Midlands, has been working with Insynth to boost their Google rankings and site visibility and to produce content that helps them to stand out from the crowd in the HVAC community.

After less than one year of working with us here at Insynth, Contour Heating now hold multiple number one spots on Google rankings and have the highest site visibility over all their main competitors!

Impressive right? Read on to find out more!

Topics: Content Marketing Events Inbound Marketing
10 min read

How Professional Photography Helps Architects To Specify

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 05-Oct-2018 10:45:26

In an industry driven by expectations, professional photography for construction marketing is more important than ever.

High-quality images of completed building projects or developments-in-progress make up a portfolio of success to show to prospective clients who can meet their needs.

Insynth have been working alongside Paul Scott of Front Elevation to discuss why professional photography is so important and the impact that it is having on Paul and his clients.

Read on to find out more…

Topics: Content Marketing
3 min read

Subscriber Offer: Discount For Sales Specification Training!

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 14-Sep-2018 11:22:47

Insynth have teamed up Competitive Advantage to offer an extended early-bird discount to our blog subscribers for their one-day course on “Creative Demand Through Specification”!

Read on to find out more about this training and how you can get an exclusive discount...

Topics: Content Marketing Sales
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Moz + Hubspot = SEO Mastery

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 07-Sep-2018 18:28:07

Hosted by Sarah Bird, SEO Mastery focused on how to use Moz to master the fast-paced world of SEO and keep up to date with Google’s working along the way.

The session also focused on finding out how your company compares to the competition in search results and the best topics to get that coveted “position zero”.

Topics: SEO Events
6 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Conversion Rate Optimisation For Your Website

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 07-Sep-2018 16:19:49

Hosted by Pamela Vaughn of HubSpot, How To Get Started With Conversion Rate Optimisation was an Inbound 2018 session focused on sharing the skills needed to use content marketing for the purpose of conversion rate optimisation.

This goal was to learn how to increase lead generation and traffic to your site through the production of fully optimised content that will encourage visitors to convert when they come to your website.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Events
4 min read

#INBOUND18: Tools to Become A Blogger, Podcaster & Broadcaster

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Sep-2018 22:18:37

Hosted by Colin Gray, Conquering Consistent Tools & Tactics, was an Inbound 2018 session about learning to use podcasting as part of a wider digital marketing campaign and how to apply the tools learned throughout to the product of amazing content for everybody to consume.

Topics: Content Marketing Events Inbound Marketing
4 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Reading Visuals To Write (Right) Stories

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Sep-2018 21:23:30


Hosted by David Hooker, Reading Visuals To Write (Right) Stories focused on teaching marketers how to use visuals to tell stories about their brand in a readable and exciting way.

The Inbound 2018 session was aimed at marketers wanting to produce visual content that tell stories and send messages that audiences and customers can engage with and enjoy.

Topics: Content Marketing Events
6 min read

#INBOUND18: 7 Steps To Creating Content To Move The Sales And Marketing Needle

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Sep-2018 20:30:12

Hosted by Marcus Sheridan at the Inbound 2018 conference, Contagious Content was all about how to understand your buyers and to ensure that your content is answering the questions that they need answering in order to get them to come on board with your brand. 

The aim of the talk was to takeaway the ideas and steps needed to move your content marketing process forward so that the sales AND marketing needle starts to shift for your company. 

Topics: Content Marketing Events Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Lessons Learned In Viral Marketing

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Sep-2018 17:17:45

Hosted by Nathan Rawlins at Inbound 2018, Lessons Learned In Viral Marketing focused on giving insights into the highs and lows that come with viral marketing. Rawlins, who has experienced the force of viral marketing from both of these sides, hosted the talk  at Inbound to share his insights. 

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Creating Videos Your Customers Won't Skip

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Sep-2018 16:20:50

Hosted by Frank Maguire at Inbound 2018, Head Of Marketing Development for Sharethrough, How To Create Videos was all about the importance of video in a world where it is becoming one of the most consumed medias out there. The insights gained today will be being applied to Insynth’s marketing strategy moving forward!

Topics: Content Marketing Events
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND2018: Keynote Speaker- Shonda Rhimes

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Sep-2018 15:19:11

Shonda Rhimes, writer of the hit TV series Grey's Anatomy, opens Thursday at Inbound 2018 with her keynote speech on performance, writing and her career. 

Rhimes's company; Shonda Land is now teaming up with Netflix to exclusively produce content for that platform. Her talk about Inbound is focused on her career and time on set of Grey's Anatomy and how the production process have influenced her work moving forwards

Topics: Content Marketing Events Inbound Marketing
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: Secrets To Search Dominance Revealed

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 05-Sep-2018 21:49:51

Hosted by Maryna Hradovich of SEMrush, Secrets To Search Dominance is an Inbound 2018 session about teaching marketers to ensure that their content is always optimised for SEO and positioned to dominate search results across the internet.

With Maryna’s techniques being applied, marketers learnt how to make sure that they can stay one step ahead of the competition.

Topics: SEO Events MarTech
5 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: A Keynote Session With Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 05-Sep-2018 20:53:34

Opening this afternoon's keynote at Inbound 2018, HubSpot's Brian Halligan kicked off with a discussion about applying a flywheel to your business for accelerated growth.

HubSpot's flywheel moves from an attract phase, into an engage phase, into a delight phase in order to convert website traffic into free users, then into customers, and finally into promoters.

Here's how you can use a flywheel to fast-track sales success for your company.

Topics: Content Marketing Events Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Live @ #INBOUND18: The Science Of Selling With Humour

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 05-Sep-2018 19:28:16

Hosted by Andrew Tarvin, a humour engineer from New York, Funny To Money educated the Inbound 2018 audience about how using humour in your marketing can the key to succeeding in both your sales and marketing efforts.

Funny To Money, although geared towards sales, was full of information that marketers could employ in their content strategies to attract new customers to their company. 

Humour is important to a marketers because making people laugh makes people want to sit up and pay attention to your message. Including your brand message in your humour marketing is an effective way to draw people into your company while having fun along the way.  

Topics: Sales Events
6 min read

Think Like A Journalist And Create Better Brand Stories

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 05-Sep-2018 16:31:18

Hosted by Melanie Deziel, founder of StoryFuel , How To Think Like A Journalist And Create Better Brand Stories focused on how to bring journalistic writing and content marketing together for the purpose of storytelling success. 
Melanie's Inbound 2018 session was intent on teaching brand marketers to apply journalistic writing to their content in order to produce high standard journalism across their entire content portfolio.
Topics: Content Marketing Events
4 min read

Inbound 2018: Insynth To Attend Marketing Event In Boston

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 31-Aug-2018 11:25:01

Every September, Boston Massachusetts becomes the staging area for one of the largest sales and marketing events centred on inbound marketing.

Inbound is about bringing together experts in content and inbound marketing from all over the world and getting them to share their knowledge and expertise with the thousands of attendees to this growing annual event.

Next week, Insynth will be attending alongside the 22,000 others set to land at Inbound. They will be attending talks with sales and marketing experts and learning more about the latest in the world of Inbound.

Keep reading to find out more about Insynth’s upcoming Inbound adventure…


Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Construction Marketing: Building Publishers Out Of Marketers

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 24-Aug-2018 14:37:40

What’s the difference between marketing and publishing? Are they the same thing, or too different to be compared?

In recent years, more and more companies have been adopting an inbound methodology into their marketing strategy. While it is not commonplace in the construction industry yet, we predict that it could have a major impact on the way businesses engage with the market.

Inbound marketing makes publishers of marketers. Using ideas such as content marketing to attract your customers, it can be a huge benefit to your company.

Read on to find out how you can turn your marketing efforts could become publishing opportunities for your building products company.

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Content Marketing For Construction: Reviewing Historical Content

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 24-Aug-2018 11:21:06

You’ve written a piece of content about your building products. You’ve proofread it for technical accuracy, you’ve added alt-tags to your images and optimised the piece for SEO. You press ‘publish’.

Job done, right?


Just because a blog post or web page is now out there for the world to see doesn’t mean that you never have to look at it again. In ever-shifting industries, such as construction where products, protocols and building regulations are often being updated, content can quickly be out of date.

Read on to find out how you can avoid falling into this trap and why reviewing your historical content regularly is so important.

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Content Marketing For Construction: Writing With Technical Experts

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 23-Aug-2018 16:37:11

Successful content marketing for construction requires high-quality technical articles with a steady frequency of publishing output.

Most businesses without a dedicated content marketing resources find this a real challenge and for digital marketers who are producing content; inputting technical knowledge into their content is not always easy.

Discover how to build collaborative teams to pump out high-quality content on a regular basis, improving your rankings and performance along the way.

Topics: Content Marketing
6 min read

Digital Construction Marketing: The Dunning-Kruger Effect

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 16-Aug-2018 09:53:32

Digital content marketing is an ever-changing industry that, when utilised properly, can be hugely beneficial to those embracing it. 

In the construction industry, a setting that is still taking its earliest steps towards bringing together the building products culture and the digital marketing mindset, there is a risk that marketers can get carried away, jump in head first without first understanding the full scale of a digital marketing task thinking that they understand it all.

The result is this; The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Let’s look at how The Dunning-Kruger Effect can infect a Digital Marketing workplace.

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
9 min read

Using Images: How Can Visuals Improve Your SEO?

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 10-Aug-2018 17:00:45

You've heard the phrase "a picture tells a thousand words". Did you know that images in your website can improve your SEO? 

By loading your images with the right words in the alt-text, titles, file names, while considering a range of other factors, your images won't just say a thousand words, they will help grow you website traffic and increase your chances of having great rankings on Google. 

Read on to find out how images can be a great addition to your SEO and construction marketing campaigns.

Topics: Content Marketing SEO Inbound Marketing
3 min read

Congratulations: Insynth's Content Marketer Graduates University

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 27-Jul-2018 11:59:21

Insynth prides itself on having a team of talented content writers working alongside clients to produce amazing results for their companies.

This week, Insynth is delighted to congratulate Digital Content Marketer, Charlotte McCormac on graduating with first-class honours in her English degree from Birmingham City University.


Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing
6 min read

Construction Marketing News: Specialist Creative Writer Joins The Insynth Content Team

By Abby Buchan-Howard on 06-Jul-2018 12:57:30

To support their mission to use storytelling and bring more colour to the world of construction marketing, Insynth has recruited a published creative writer to their growing content team.

Topics: Content Marketing